Valente Brothers’ mission is to raise the physical confidence and overall wellness of students of all ages by teaching a complete and efficient self defense skill set within a safe, clean, positive and respectful environment. We are committed to preserving the technical and philosophical roots of jūjutsu (jiu-jitsu) as imparted to us by Grandmasters Helio Gracie and Dr. Pedro Valente Sr.

In a span of 57 years, three generations of the Valente family practiced jūjutsu under the direct tutelage of legendary grandmaster Hélio Gracie. Dr. Syllo Valente and his brother, General Eliezer Valente, were the first in the family to discover jūjutsu. A Japanese friend taught the brothers some basic principles of self defense in the 1920’s. When Carlos and Hélio Gracie opened their famed Academia Gracie in downtown Rio de Janeiro in 1952, it didn’t take long for the Valentes to enroll. On April 27,1953, Dr. Syllo registered his son Pedro Sr., who was 14 at the time, and had already been practicing Kōdōkan Judō under Sensei Cordeiro for a few years. Dr. Syllo was a naturalist and homeopathic doctor. He saw jūjutsu as a great hobby and the perfect complement to the education of his son. For the next 57 years Pedro Sr. not only became a great jūjutsu practitioner but also a trusted friend, medical doctor and advisor of Grandmasters Carlos and Helio Gracie.