Author Archives: Gui Valente

Professor Joaquim Valente traveled to Los Angles, representing the Valente family, to receive this beatiful plaque from the hands of Rose Gracie, Grandmaster Helio Gracie’s eldest granddaughter. The Gracie Nationals is a Jiu-Jitsu event that promotes the practice of traditional Gracie Jiu-Jitsu by holding matches without points where vitory can only be achieved by submission.
Professor Gui teaching the Guard during the Fundamentals class
After receiving the Key to the City last week, with the presence of UFC Hall of Famer, Royce Gracie, Mayor George Vallejo proclaimed December 18th, 2012 the Valente Brothers Day.
VBs together for the final event of the year
For over two hours, the first Ultimate Fighting champion and Hall of Famer, Jiu-Jitsu master Royce Gracie, brought togehter approximately 120 students at a sold out seminar at Valente Brothers Headquarters in North Miami Beach, Florida. As usual, Royce captivated students with his refined technique and efficient teaching skills, which in accordance with the philosophies of his father, Grandmaster Helio Gracie, consisted entirely of street practical strategies for defending oneself against bigger and stronger attackers.
Attending the seminar were students from VB headquarters in North Miami Beach, the Fort Laudedale, Pembroke Pines and Coral Gabes affiliates and several members of the Royce Gracie Network from all over the United States and abroad.
Jimmy started learning Jiu-Jitsu from Professor Pedro Valente in 1993. Jimmy and Pedro’s friendship dates back to their high school days at the American School of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1993 both decided to enroll at the University of Miami where they became roommates. Influenced by Pedro’s love for Jiu-Jitsu and Royce’s amazing victories in the Ultimate Fighting Championship Jimmy was attracted by the Jiu-Jitsu philosophy. Soon Jimmy became one of Pedro’s most technical students. In December of 2003 Professor Pedro Valente awarded Jimmy his Black Belt and instructor’s certification. Jimmy’s loyalty, moral attributes and years of dedication combined with his technical abilities allowed him to be the only paerson to be awarded Valente Brothers Instructors Diploma.
On Saturday, November 24th, Professor Gui Valente visited the Triangle Academy in Zurich and taught a special class to instructors and students of the Triangle Academy team.
The academy, open since 1995, is led by Black Belt Franco Vacirca and is located just minutes away from central Zurich. Franco follows the teaching methodology of the late Grandmaster Pedro Hemetério, one of Grandmaster Helio Gracie’s top disciples. Thi focus towards the roots of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is was what triggered the invitaion to bring the Valente Brothers method to Zurich.
The class taught by Professor Gui was an overview of traditional Gracie Jiu-JItsu and touched some of the fundamental principles of Self-Defense and the Helio Gracie fighting strategy and philosophy