Category Archives: News

Valente Brothers Study Group in Holland

After 5 years of dedication and loyalty, Valente Brothers, Eric van Looijen completed the requirements to start a Valente Brothers Study Group™ in Holland. Eric grew up in the Martial Arts. His father, Jan van Looijen, is credidted as one of the three Founding Fathers of Dutch Kickboxing and today is an icon of the dutch martial arts. Eric began training with the Valente brothers in 2008 and since then has been constantly traveling to Miami and meeting Professor Gui whenever he is in Europe. According to Eric, he chose to learn from the Valente brothers because of his interest for Self-Defense Jiu-Jitsu, the brothers’ emphasis on philosophy and their mission of teching Helio Gracie’s vision.  After earning his Blue Belt in December of 2012, Eric was accredited by the Valentes to establish a Valente Brothers Study Group™.

This weekend, Professor Gui Valente visited Eric’s gym for the first time and was extremely happy with what he saw: “Prior to embarikng in the Jiu-Jitsu journey with us, Eric was already an established martial artist in Holland. He is an extremely high level kickboxing practioner and coach, which only makes his interest in our system even more valuable.” According to Gui, Eric’s students demontrated a fine level of technique and most importantly, the atmosphere at the gym was one of respect and cammraderie.

Valente Brothers has a healthy and postive jiu-jitsu home in Amsterdam.

Thank you from Pedro, Gui and Joaquim

Dear Valente Brothers

We are extremely grateful to each and every one of you who attended tonight’s tribute to the 100 Years of Helio Gracie. This was the least we could do for the man who made Jiu-Jitsu possible for all of us. We are also thankful for all the nice messages we received during the course of the day. These demonstrations of respect and honor mean more than any choke, armlock, throw or any physical technique performed on the mat.

Over 300 people provided a powerful demonstration of the gratitude and loyalty of Valente Brothers to our eternal teacher, Grand Master Helio Gracie, his philosophy and technique.

On a side and important note, we would also like to thank State Senator Miguel Diaz De La Portilla, Miami-Dade Comissioner, Sally Heyman and Miami-Dade Mayor, Carlos A. Gimenez for the State and Miami-Dade County Proclamations, honoring Helio Gracie and Valente Brothers.

Thank you again.

Pedro, Gui and Joaquim Valente

The Valente family story in Miami began 20 years ago.

Grandmaster Helio, Professor Pedro Valente and Grandmaster Rorion celebrating after UFC 1 in 1993

@PedroValenteVB: “Today (Saturday, August 17, 2013) marks the 20th anniversary of my arrival in Miami. On Aug 17, 1993 I was 18 years old and could not imagine the amazing journey that was beginning. I am grateful to this great land for these amazing years and look fwd to many more.”

Via Professor Pedro Valente’s Instagram account.

When Fighting Is Losing

This week Valente Brothers Fort Lauderdale hosted a security personnel liability reduction training program with Da Big Kahuna Restaurant & Tiki Bar. The class was instructed by Black Belt Bruce Belfield.

For years, Valente Brothers has been working with security personnel from night clubs, bars, arenas, and hotels to provide safer strategies and solutions to potentially dangerous situations. When teaching this course, Professor Pedro Valente says that, if a fight breaks out it means that a mistake was made. The idea of the Valente Brothers course is to identify possible areas and situations of threat and to utilize the art of anticipation. Also, according to Professor Valente, a security agent cannot afford to loose emotional control, especially considering that most patrons might be under the influence of alcohol and will, many times act inappropriately.

Watch below Channel 6 NBC Local News on the Valente Brothers teaching the Mynt Lounge security a few years ago.

Royler Gracie at Valente Brothers

Master Royler Gracie returned to Miami to teach another great seminar at Valente Brothers Headquarters in North Miami Beach. Royler, the fifth son of Grandmaster Helio Gracie, announced he will be coming out of retirement at age 47 to fight Eddie Bravo at the next Metamoris grappling event in California. Currently residing in California, Royler continues to teach privates and seminars all over the world.