Category Archives: News

The Heat was on at the Belt Ceremony

The Heat was on early at the Valente Brothers 2013 Summer Belt Promotion Ceremony. Congratulations to all students who received new belts and thank you to everyone who was in attendance.

The traditional gauntlet at the 2013 Valente Brothers Summer Belt Ceremony.

To exemplify the spirit of Valente Brothers and our Belt Ceremonies here is a message posted by one of our students in her Facebook page:

“Today I am happy, proud of myself and very grateful to the path in this adventure of Jiu-Jitsu that barely begins. Today not only I received a blue belt as a symbol of my effort but also the knowledge acquired in this year and a half that passed. This belt to me is the meaning of a new philosophy of life, of peace, control and discipline also I’ve found in the Valente Brothers excellent friends and professors who support me, advise me and help me to have a better life by offering the simplicity of spiritual, physical, mentally balanced and lead a healthy and positive life. Thanks Professor Pedro for your words in Philosophy Class!!! Thanks to all my teachers and to all my new friends for allowing me to come and share with you and learn from you the best of this art, never thought that I would LOVE Jiu-Jitsu and benefit from it so much with you all. I’m very lucky! And be prepared because now I’m going for my purple belt!”

Gracie C Fierro Giovanazzi

Gui Valente teaches in Houston

Professor Gui taught youth classes on Saturday and a 5 hour adult seminar on Sunday. Over 100 students participated.  Following the seminars, Gui complimented Instructor Roy Cantu for the wonderful job leading the Valente Brothers program in Houston. Several youth and adult students received their new belts. VB Black Belt Calvin Carter also attended the seminar.


Valente Gracie 60th Anniversary

Exactly 60 years ago, on April 27, 1953, Pedro Valente Sr. took his first jiu-jitsu lesson at the Academia Gracie in Rio de Janeiro. That Monday afternoon marked the beggining of a journey which established a deep-rooted connection between the Valente and the Gracie families, and laid the ground for the creation of Valente Brothers. Today, Valente Brothers remains 100% loyal to the principles and ideals of the original Academia Gracie and their leaders Grand Masters Carlos and Helio Gracie. As we reflect upon the life-transforming philosophy and the priceless techniques that three generations of our family have learned through out these 60 years, our hearts are filled with gratitude to all of our teachers, and motivation to continue to pass on this invaluable knowledge to all of our students.

The following is a list of every member of the Valente family who learned jiu-jitsu at the Academia Gracie: Dr. Syllo Valente, Gen. Eliezer Valente, Dr. Pedro Valente Sr., Pedro Valente, Guilherme Valente, Joana Valente and Joaquim Valente.