Category Archives: News

Relson Gracie Seminar this Saturday @ 1pm in North Miami Beach

The 2nd son of Grandmaster Hélio Gracie will return to Miami this Saturday to teach a special seminar. Master Relson, a 8th degree Red & Black belt, is a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Street Tactics Expert. The 90 minutes class will cover standing and ground techniques in a no kimono format. All students, Fundamentals, Advanced, and visitors, are welcome to attend.

Where: Valente Brothers Headquarters – 3165 NE 163 Street, North Miami Beach Florida

Telephone: 305 354 2060

When: Saturday, July 23, 2011

Time:  1 – 2:30PM

Professor Pedro Valente’s Seminars

Professor Pedro Valente, who is currently teaching seminars in Europe, was in Houston on June 5th and 6th for the 16th time teaching the biannual VBJJ seminar. The seminar focused on the technique and philosophy of Grand Master Hélio Gracie. This year’s summer seminar was very successful as close to 100 students had the opportunity to attend. On Saturday Professor Valente taught the members of the youth program ranging from the ages of 4 to 16 and on Sunday it was the turn of the adults who trained for over 5 hours. During the seminar Professor Valente also played the first segment of a documentary that aired last month in Brazil on the Biography Channel about the life of Grand Master Helio Gracie. VBJJ would like to congratulate Roy Cantu and all the members of Cantu’s Texas on their success and ongoing dedication to the promotion of our principles and philosophies.

A Special Summer Belt Ceremony

By Steven Abood

Last night, the Summer Belt Ceremony, a celebration of achievement and a gathering of friends, was held at Valente Brothers headquarters in North Miami Beach. The ceremony was held exactly twenty days from the night that Dr. Pedro Valente Sr. was awarded the highest possible honor in Gracie Jiujitsu, the coveted 9th degree red belt. The belt was awarded by the sons of Grandmaster Hélio Gracie, the teacher of Dr. Valente, as well as his first teacher at the Gracie Academy, João Alberto Barreto. It was awarded in recognition of his 58 years of training and living the art and philosophy of jiujitsu, which he credited with much of his success as a world renowned surgeon, and leader in fields such as business and politics.

Students during the Fundamentals class before the ceremony

Dr. Valente’s oldest son, Professor Pedro Valente, opened the 2011 Summer Belt Ceremony conveying his appreciation for the honor bestowed not only to his father but through the connection of a common philosophy, the entire Valente Brothers family, which includes all students, friends, and family united in a common quest for self-protection and self-perfection. The red belt was awarded as it was awarded to Grandmaster Helio Gracie decades before, with each individual holding a portion of the belt and approaching it’s recipient. Gracie brothers Relson, Rolker, and Royler were in attendance when the belt was awarded in Brasil last month, as well as Professor João Alberto Barreto, and his younger brother Alvaro Barreto. Reyson, Rorion, Royce and Rickson Gracie sent congratulatory messages. It is interesting to note that only Grandmaster Hélio Gracie, as well as his brothers, Grandmasters Carlos, Gastão, Oswaldo, and George were awarded the 10th degree red belt. Thus, the highest achievement in the art any living individual can achieve is the 9th degree red belt that was awarded to Dr. Valente.
The ceremony was attended by students from Valente Brothers headquarters, as well as affiliates in Fort Lauderdale (led by Valente Brothers instructor Bruce Belfield), Pembrook Pines (led by VB instructor Eduardo Cambas), and the Miami-Dade Police Training Bureau (Coordinated by VB Purple belt Victor Gatell). A high number of blues, purples, and brown belts were awarded. Black belts are only awarded during the Winter Belt Ceremony. The highest number of blue belts for women were awarded in this belt ceremony, a testament to the success of the Valente Brothers’ women’s program.

A special and emotional moment came towards the end of the ceremony when a brown belt was awarded posthumously to Andy Espinal. Frank Espinal accepted the belt on behalf of his brother Andy, who passed away last month in a tragic motorcycle accident. Andy received his purple belt last December and the professors at Valente Brothers decided to award him his brown belt posthumously in a show of support, recognition and remembrance for the amazing individual that Andy was. The standing ovation that Andy received when Frank was presented with Andy’s belt, was a testament to how much Andy meant to everyone at the academy, and that he will never be forgotten by all those who had the privilege of knowing him. The ceremony ended with students, friends and family congratulating the many individuals who were promoted. The year of training and friendship continues culminating in the Winter Belt Ceremony on December 7th, and the Annual Valente Brothers Dinner on December 11th.

The Youth Fellowship Challenge brings our youth together

On sunday morning, students, parents and teachers once again came together for a wonderful day of Jiu-Jitsu, friendship, and knowledge. The Youth Fellowship Challenge (YFC) took off with a speech by Professor Pedro Valente, who explained that the main purpose of the event is to create self-confidence and provide a life lasting experience for all. Professor Valente also reminded parents that Jiu-Jitsu, unlike other recreational sports, should constitute an integral part of every child’s education. Over 100 Children from our headquarters in North Miami Beach and our locations in Fort Lauderdale and Pembroke Pines demonstrated a high technical level and a very positive spirit. With the knowledge and confidence acquired through our method, children become more balanced, calm, and less disposed to be violent. Our system is the only method known and confirmed to prevent bullying. Another great attribute of YFC is that it provides participants with the opportunity to perform under pressure in a safe and positive setting.

Event’s picture gallery on Facebook

Remembering a brother, Andy Espinal

Words cannot express the feeling of the loss of a fellow Valente Brother. On Sunday, Andy Espinal, one of our purple belts, left us prematurely due to a motorcycle accident. The ancient jiu-jitsu philosophy, taught to us by our grandfather Dr. Syllo Valente and Grand Master Carlos Gracie, states that we are here temporarily in a quest of self-perfection. This belief can provide some consolation and resignation in light of the tragedy that struck us all. See you soon Andy!

This Tuesday, May 10th, a moment of silence will be held for Andy Espinal during the 7pm Grappling Techniques  class.

After debate on FB Valente Brothers comments

The Valente Brothers Facebook page, which recently surpassed the 4,000 fans mark, created an interesting debate this past week. Fans and students from around the globe were asked whether they prefer to be on the top or bottom guard position and what was their overall favorite position. After considering all the answers posted, Valente Brothers presents its views on the subject. To still join the discussion login to our home on Facebook and leave us your opinion on these important questions.  

Once again, great answers by everyone who posted. Thank you for participating. It is normal for different people to have different positional preferences depending on their body type, style, and experience. When it comes to grappling, there is a hierarchy of positions that culminates in the back mount (hooks), preferably with the opponent flattened out. This position creates a powerful combination of control and offensive opportunities, which include devastating choking and striking techniques. However, when it comes to a street fight, which is the Valente Brothers’ focus in teaching jiu-jitsu, many variables can affect this selection process. As some of you mentioned, conditions such as concrete floors, crowded venues, and multiple opponents might make it undesirable to be on the ground. It is important to note that often a fighter has no choice and for that reason ground fighting represents an integral part of the jiu-jitsu fighting strategy. But if presented with a choice, one might not prefer to be in a ground position during certain types of street fights. 

With respect to the guard question, the apparent right-answer would be that one would rather be on top in order to pass the guard and mount. Due to gravity, disengaging and striking can also be achieved more easily from the top, even though with a good knowledge of jiu-jitsu both can be done quite effectively from the bottom as well. Nonetheless, there is the possibility, as mentioned by one of our participants, that in some situations the bottom guard will provide more protection against possible strikes by a third party. 

Valente Brothers Facebook page creates an interesting debate

The Valente Brothers Facebook page, that recently surpassed the 4,000 fans mark, is asking Jiu-Jitsu practitioners around the globe, whether they prefer the be on the top or bottom guard position.  To join the discussion login to our home on Facebook and leave us your opinion on this old and important question. Tomorrow Professor Pedro Valente will post his opinion on the matter. The Valente Brothers are on Twitter as well. To follow Valente Brothers on Twitter click here.

VB in Guatemala trains US soldiers

On March 30th, Instructor Roberto Fleischmann taught a special class to a select group of US troops stationed in Guatemala.  The men, stationed in an American Base in Guatemala, were all extremely pleased with the hand to hand training. One of the participants described the class as, “Outstanding and realistic training.” He continued saying that, “Jiu-Jitsu is an indispensable weapon on our CQC arsenal.” Roberto focused on self-defense and weapon defense techniques and was also very  happy with the opportunity, “The class went extremely well and I was honored to contribute with the training of United States soldiers.”

Roberto Fleischmann is the Head Instructor of Gracie Guatemala, a Valente Brothers representative and a Royce Gracie network member. Roberto and his students frequently travel to Miami to train with the Valente brothers. He has been training for over 15 years and is the only Gracie Jiu-Jitsu black belt in Guatemala.

To learn more about Roberto visit his website.

See what American troops are doing in Guatemala.

Purple belt, Regis Giles on FOX NEWS

After Hannah made big news in 2009 and 2010, Regis started 2011 with appearances on CNN and Fox News.

The Giles sisters have been training with the Valente brothers since 2001. Both were always very committed and dedicated students. They became assistant instructors in the Youth program and currently Regis is an assistant instructor both in the Youth and Womens’ programs. Hannah is a brown belt and Regis a purple belt.

Regis Giles is a college student, Second Amendment Activist, the owner/creator of and a contributing writer for NRA’s magazine InSights. She is currently working on her hunting show, Primal Urge, which will be airing on the Pursuit Channel in 2012. In addition, Regis has appeared on CNN’s Parker/Spitzer Show and has been a speaker at CPAC, the Nation’s largest conservative activist gathering.