Category Archives: News

Memorial Day message

GoogOn this Memorial Day, Valente Brothers honors the men and women of our military who have demonstrated the true strength and determination of the American spirit.Currently, more than 1.5 million brave men and women actively serve in our military and fight around the world to protect our nation from those who would do us harm. Every day, heroic and selfless acts are made by these servicemen and women on our behalf. We thank them.

The school will re open on Tuesday, June 1.

Rickson Gracie “connects” the dots

Over 160 Jiu-JItsu practitioners attended the first ever Rickson Gracie seminars at Valente Brothers.

Please check back for the complete story.

Visit our FB page to view more pictures.


  • FAQs

    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is Jiu-Jitsu? Jiu-Jitsu is the most complete and efficient martial art known today for  a weaker person to defend him or herself against a stronger aggressor. Jiu-Jitsu is the art of flexibility, adaptability, pliancy, and astuteness. It characterizes the triumph of human intelligence over brute strength. …

Valente Brothers Welcomes Rickson Gracie

Master Rickson Gracie arrived in Miami this Thursday morning and visited Valente Brothers during the Grappling Techniques and Sparring classes. Professor Pedro Valente introduced Rickson to the class expressing his gratitude for Rickson’s contributions to the establishment of Gracie Jiu-JItsu as the most efficient Martial Art and for Rickson’s will to teach at Valente Brothers.  Rickson thanked all students and teachers for the warm welcome and said, “I am very proud to witness the success Pedro, Guilherme and Joaquim have achieved by maintaining my father’s (Grandmaster Hélio Gracie) style and method”. Following the class, Rickson sat on the mat and spent over one hour talking Jiu-JItsu with students and professors. Rickson’s seminars are confirmed for this Saturday and Sunday, March 27 and 28. Unfortunately, both sessions are sold out. Rickson promised to be back very soon. Academia Gracie’s black belt, Renato Barreto or “Barretinho” will be accompanying Rickson during his stay in the US.

More pictures of Rickson’s surprise visit.

Rickson Gracie Seminars are Sold Out

The exclusive Rickson Gracie seminars hosted by Valente Brothers in Miami sold out this Tuesday, nearly two weeks before the first session takes place on Saturday, March 27. The demand for Rickson is no surprise. This is the first time Rickson will teach seminars in the Sunshine state in almost twenty years and the first “in house” seminars the undefeated Gracie teaches in a long time. Unfortunately, several Valente Brothers students and over one hundred students from other schools in South Florida, other states and even other countries will not be able to attend. From Brazil, Rickson said today he will return soon to conduct another series of classes and will give preference to all students who were on the waiting list and could not secure a spot.

The undefeated and legendary Rickson Gracie in Miami to teach a historic seminar

In honor of the one year anniversary of the passing of Grandmaster Helio Gracie the Valente Brothers will host an exclusive seminar with the undefeated and legendary fighter, Rickson Gracie for the first time ever. The third son of Helio Gracie will teach a class in Florida for the first time in fifteen years. Valente Brothers students around the world will be attending this historic event. The seminar will take place on March 27 and 28. Each session will consist of four hours, including technical training, drills, Jiu-Jitsu philosophy and a Q&A session.  Students may attend one or both days. Since the announcement that Rickson would teach in Miami was made, many students from other schools all around the US and even other countries have contacted Valente Brothers to secure a spot in the seminar. Currently, we are only accepting registrations from Valente Brothers students. The deadline to register for Valente Brothers students is March 17. Students from other schools are currently being placed on a waiting list and will be selected on a first come first serve basis.  

Rickson, son of Helio Gracie, was born into Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. At fifteen he started to teach the art, and by eighteen he received his black belt from his father. When he was twenty years old he was selected to represent the Gracie family in one of their most important challenge fights against the famous 230-pound Brazilian brawler Zulu. Rickson, in an amazing display of technique and mettle, defeated Zulu, who until that time had enjoyed a 140-match, undefeated record. With this victory, Rickson gained immediate national acclaim as the top fighter in the world, leaving his mark on the history of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and the Gracie challenge. Five years later Zulu requested a rematch and lost to Rickson again, in Maracanazinho before an audience of 20,000 spectators.

Rickson is a 7th Degree Black Belt Open Class Champion of the Gracie Family, whose technique is considered to be the finest expression of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in the world. His innate talent and early mastery of the art have resulted in an impeccable undefeated record in more than 400 fights.

When: March 27 2PM-6PM & March 28 1PM-5PM

Where: Valente Brothers – 3165 NE 163 Street – North Miami Beach

Cost: $200 per day

Registration: Valente Brothers students should register and pay by March 17. All other students should email us at

Students from other schools are currently being placed on a waiting list and will be selected on a first come first serve basis.

World record-holder trains some Jiu-Jitsu

Martin Stepanek, one of the world’s all time greatest divers, attended last night’s Fundaments class in North Miami Beach, taught by Head Professor Pedro Valente. Invited by Valente Brothers blue belts and expert divers, Brett Scaglione and Jared Schmelzer, Martin was very impressed with the simplicity and efficiency of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. After the class, the divers commented on the similarities between diving and Jiu-JItsu. According to them, both activities rely on extreme levels of patience and the ability to relax under pressure.

Among Martin’s most amazing feats are his world records in 2001 and 2005. In 2001 he established his first world record with a static apnea performance of 8:06, in layman’s terms, he held his breath under water for over 8 minutes. In 2005 he set another world record diving 136 meters (446 feet). From 2001 to 2009, he set over 11 World Records across several diving disciplines.

Watch the video below as Martin breaks another world record in 2007 and remember, next time you are on the bottom mount, relax and wait for the right time to escape.

Pedro Valente attends Honduras’ Presidential Inauguration

The Honduran President-elect Porfirio Lobo was officially inaugurated today. Professor Pedro Valente, Valente Brothers Honduras leader, John Paul Lloyd and blue belt, Carlos Castillo, attended the inauguration as special guests of the new president, Porfirio Lobo. Later in the day, Professor Pedro taught a special class to the students of Valente Brothers Honduras. Professor Pedro promoted several students and was very happy to see the success of the school.

Honduran President-elect Porfirio Lobo was officially inaugurated on Wednesday amid tight security with the witness of some 30 international representatives.

Porfirio Lobo, candidate for the National Party of Honduras ( PNH), won with 55.9 percent of the votes in the elections on Nov. 29.

Lobo will serve a term of four years, from 2010 to 2014.

Source: Associated Press

Valente Brothers Fort Lauderdale

Professor Gui Valente visited Valente Brothers Fort Lauderdale and taught tonight’s fundamentals class. After the class, Professor Gui awarded several stripes, a youth belt and praised the work of all students and Instructor Bruce Belfield, who this year, was promoted to the rank of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu instrcutor. The program in Ft. Lauderdale has been attracting many new students and the word is that, soon the school will be “forced” to relocate to a bigger place.

Valente Brothers students in Haiti

Following the January 12 massive earthquake that struck the nation of Haiti, Valente Brothers black belt Dr. Anire Okpaku and blue belts Dr. David Farcy and Dr. Peter Romano traveled to Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, to assist and provide care for earthquake victims. A plastic surgeon, an ER doctor and a pediatric orthopedic surgeon respectively, they volunteered to aid the victims in Haiti. Dr. Okpaku’s brother and blue belt, Temi, is also in Haiti aiding victims. Black belt Dr. Gaetano Scuderi also volunteered to assist the victims and is scheduled to travel to Port-au-Prince next week.
Valente Brothers joins the rest of the nation in their concern and support for the survivors of the Haitian earthquake and prays that everyone will do their part to help relieve the burden of these victims.