Category Archives: News

Cushman 8th graders introduced to Jiu-Jitsu

One week after over 30 seventh graders visited and trained at Valente Brothers, the eight grade class rolled in for a special self-defense class at our main school in North Miami Beach. The class, designed to introduce Jiu-Jitsu to Cushman’s teachers and students, covered a variety of standing and ground grappling techniques. All young students were very happy with the opportunity to learn a few Jiu-Jitsu tricks before moving on to high school next year. On a special note, VB students and brothers, Josh and Will Herbert, attended the class and assisted their Cushman peers during the session.

Traditional year ending festivities dates

Upcoming Events

Hélio Gracie Self-Defense Challenge – Saturday, November 21st at 2PM (Register at the school)

Adult Programs Belt Ceremony – Wednesday, December 9th at 8PM

Valente Brothers Annual Dinner – Sunday, December 13th at 5PM (The location of this year’s dinner will soon be announced)

For additional information please contact us at

Belt Ceremony scheduled for December 9

The belt ceremony will take place on Wednesday, December 9th, at 8PM, following the Fundamentals class. The Throwing Techniques class will be canceled. As usual, during the December Belt Ceremony, black belts may be awarded and this year multiple students could receive this great honor.  All students should attend, family and friends are welcome.

What – Valente Brothers Belt Ceremony
Where – Valente Brothers Jiu-Jitsu
When – December 9th, 2009 at 8PM

Cushman Middle School at Valente Brothers

Today over thirty seventh graders from the Cushman School had a special seminar/field trip at Valente Brothers. Professor Gui Valente and assistant instructor Felipe Lay covered basic self-defense techniques and shared a little bit of the Jiu-Jitsu philosophy with the students and teachers.

Note – The Cushman School was founded in 1924 and is the oldest PK-8 private school in Miami. The school was named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 1991-1992, is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools.

Youth Fellowship Challenge

The Youth Fellowship Challenge has been carefully designed to be a multi-cultural learning experience, to allow children the opportunity to exhibit their skills in an atmosphere of cooperation and respect for fellow participants, and most importantly to build confidence that will last a lifetime.

The event will take place on Novermber 15th. The Little Champs will lead the way starting at 10:30 AM.

Welcome to the new Valente Brothers website.

We have redesigned our site to allow for easier access to our programs and updates, more information on our historical resources, and increased opportunities for our supporters and students to stay informed and get involved. New features you can explore today include – the revamped Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section where you can learn all about Valente Brothers and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu; our new About us section where you’ll learn more about Valente Brothers.

Over the coming month we will be adding new features and content to the site. Features to look forward to include a login section, where students will have access to their training history, ranking and other resources; an internal search engine; and new videos and photo galleries. So keep checking back to see what’s new and send your thoughts and suggestions to

Royler Gracie teaching at Valente Brothers

On Saturday, October 10th, Royler Gracie held a three hour technical clinic at Valente Brothers. Royler started the class teaching standing self-defense techniques followed by grappling positional and submission maneuvers. To finalize, Gracie answered a variety of questions covering techniques, nutrition and jiu-jitsu’s philosophy. Over forty students attended choosing Jiu-Jitsu over the famous Columbus Day Regatta.

To see more pictures of the seminar visit our Photo Gallery.

Joanna Krupa is Valente Brothers

Supermodel Joanna Krupa, currently competing on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars, also knows a few Jiu-Jitsu tricks. Valente Brothers’ purple belt Romain Zago, Joanna’s fiancé, motivated her to learn Helio Gracie’s art of self-defense.

Valente Brothers and Joanna Kruppa on Polish TV