Category Archives: News

Royler Gracie Teaches at Valente Brothers

The 5th son of Helio Gracie returned to Miami this past week. Royler taught privates and a great 3 hours seminar on Saturday to around 50 students at VB Headquarters in North Miami Beach. Gracie showcased his technique and expressed his renewed focus to teach Jiu-Jitsu as a Self-Defense art.

Royler, along with his father, Grandmaster Helio Gracie, was Pedro, Gui, and Joaquim’s main professor in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Gui Valente teaches seminar for 100+ students in North Carolina Monday, Mar 09, 2015 – 04:32

On March 7th, Gui Valente taught a super seminar at Forged Fitness. The 3 hours lesson was part of the inauguration ceremony of Forged Fitness’ brand new facility in Raleigh, North Carolina.

In attendance for Valente’s seminar were black belts, Billy Dowey (Head Instructor of Forged Fitness), Ryan Schmidt, Jacob Whitfield, Mazi Heydary and Seth Shamp.

Forged Fitness is a member of the Royce Gracie Network.

First Women’s Self-Defense Seminar

On January 10th VB hosted our first Women’s Self-Defense Seminar. The class was open to all our friends, students and their families. The objective of this special class was to raise overall awareness, discuss important methods of avoidance and defense and work on the most essential self-defense techniques.The turnout and the class were a huge success.

Winter Belt Ceremony in Guatemala City

Cinta azul (Blue Belt)
Philippe Brenner
Carlos Alonzo
Rolando Lazo
Alvaro Ortiz
Alexander Rothlein Pinto
Rudy Rosal
Oscar Martinez
Sergei Korstcheff
Jose Calvimontes
Gustavo Paiz
Oscar Paiz
Miguel Antonio Garcia
Rodrigo Lambour
Andrea Ovalle
Anneka Kestler
Grethel Mazariegos
Keyla Marin
Maria Ines Suarez
Pamela Sosa

Cintas Moradas (Purple Belt)
Maria Fleischmann
Luis Fernandez Duran
Fernando Pontaza
Renato GironCinta Cafe (Brown Belt)
Fernando Granai

150 Young Champions

This morning VB Headquarters hosted the winter edition of the annual Youth Fellowship Challenge™. Over 150 children participated. The event showcased the spirit of the Valente Brothers youth program. As Professor Pedro Valente said, “the Jiu-Jitsu we teach prepares children to face all challenges life may present.” At the end of the day, Professor Valente also congratulated all families, parents and especially the children for their technique, kindness and respect.

The Valente Brothers Youth Program focuses on the physical, emotional and mental well being, as well as the education of our children. It is “Education for Life.” Firstly, we provide our young students with the most powerful defensive skills so they will be ready to stand up against bullies. In addition, we assist our students with the development of characteristics and skills they will need in order to live a happy and balanced life. Our young pupils develop confidence, discipline, courage, responsibility, and leadership among other important values. We promote non-violent resolutions to conflict.

Valente Brothers in Holland

Last week Professor Gui Valente travelled to Holland for an intense week of Jiu-Jitsu.

Gui taught two seminars at Yamato Gym and was invited to visit the training center of the Amsterdam Police and to demonstrate Jiu-Jitsu at the Royal Dutch Marines Base in Doorn.

Last year the Valente Brothers also established a Study Group in the city of Weesp, located minutes away from Amsterdam.

The VB Study Group of the Netherlands – Yamato Gym

Amstellandlaan 106
1382 CH Weesp

T. : 0294-267032


Valente Brothers Student on Brazil’s biggest magazine.

Valente Brothers student and Instagram sensation Carol Buffara, spent the frist weeks of january in Miami taking the VB intensive self-defense course. Carol, who lives in Rio de Janeiro, created a Healthy Lifestyle movement on Instagram called #ProjetoCarolBuffara which quickly became a hit in Rio and all over Brazil. During her stay, Veja, Brazil’s most prominent magazine intereviewd Carol and did a photo session with her at Valente Brothers Headquarters in North Miami Beach.