Valente Brothers is extremely honored to support the troops of the United States of America by providing realistic hand to hand combat training to several military units both locally and overseas.
In 2009, Professor Gui Valente was invited by Major General Michael Ferriter to join Gracie Academy instructor Ryron Gracie in a trip to Camp Victory in Baghdad, Iraq to assist the U.S. Military with their hand to hand combat training. While in Iraq Professor Gui had the opportunity to work with several military groups including the Special Forces.
In addition to Iraq we have also worked extensively with the Navy Special Warfare Development Group, Florida National Guard, the 101st Airbourne Division based in Fort Cambbel Kentucky, the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery in Fort Sill Oklahoma, the crew of the U.S. Navy war ship USS Gridley and troops from the U.S. Marine Core, Navy Seals, Air Force, and Coast Guard.