Valente Brothers’ Japan Journey – Day 2: A Special Visit to the US Embassy

On this important day, which also happened to be Yom Kippur, Pedro Valente and Ted Schwartz were warmly welcomed by Ambassador Rahm Emanuel at the residential area of the US embassy in Tokyo. The visit was organized by Ted, who is a longtime friend of Ambassador Emanuel.

During the visit, Ambassador Emanuel showed a strong interest in how jujutsu can be used for military and police training. They also discussed the differences between jujutsu and Krav Maga, and the interesting history of jujutsu in the United States. Pedro explained how President Teddy Roosevelt, a big supporter of the martial art, practiced jujutsu in the White House with a professor sent from the Kodokan in Japan.

One of the highlights of the visit was a tour of the embassy’s beautiful garden, where each ambassador plants a tree to honor the US president they represent. Pedro also had the chance to visit the embassy library and was impressed by the modern art displayed in the residence.

Pedro also learned that Presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt visited the embassy later in their lives, while President Gerald Ford was the first sitting president to visit the embassy.

We’re excited for the next part of this incredible journey.

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