On February 22, Professor Pedro Valente visited our home in Puerto Rico for the first time. Study group leader Jose Mendizabal and the entire group are doing a tremendous job.
On January 18th, Professor Pedro visited VB Black Belt Guy Scruderi in his beautiful school in Jupiter, Florida.
On January 4th, Professor Gui returned to the VB Study Group in Veesp, Netherlands led by Eric van Looijen for the annual Valente Brothers Seminar. Professor Gui taught two specialization seminars, focusing on headlock defenses and the closed guard.
Congratulations to all new blue, purple, brown and black belts.
“A black belt is a white belt that never quit”.
Thank you for another great year at Valente Brothers.
“Valente Brothers gave an entire day of world class jiu-jitsu training teaching the Miami Beach SWAT operators effective techniques to take control of unarmed combative subjects.” – Miami Beach Police Department.
The second Youth Fellowship Challenge this year was a great success, with record numbers. Thank you for making this event so special for our young champions.
On November 2nd and 3rd, Professor Pedro Valente returned to Cantu’s Self-Defense to visit VB black belts Roy Cantu, Calvin Carter and all students. On Saturday, Professor Pedro taught and evaluated three youth classes. On Sunday, Professor Valente taught the traditional adult five elements workshop.